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Your time could make such a difference to All Saints, There is so much work needed to keep the Church and churchyard going. If you hve some spare time here are some ways you can help us.

  • Our beautiful old church is kept clean by a dedicated but small team - if you are a dab hand with a hoover or brush then please contact


  • All Saints is frequently praised for its wonderful flower arrangements - Christine Leonard runs this rota 01428712010

  • The large churchyard needs a lot of maintenance, the trees, shrubs and grass all need regular cutting, especially as the path through the churchyard provides a vital link between Holme School, All Saints and the village, contact 

  • if you can lend a hand, you don't have to be a regular churchgoer, just have time to spare.


We need talent too. Supporting All Saints is not just about money. The skills you may have developed during study, work or hobbies could be just what we need.  

  • Can you sing? All Saints has a small choir and we are really keen to keep it going - music adds so much to our prayer ad praise. You don't need to read music, just be able to sing in tune! Contact

  • Do you like throwing parties, organising others, cooking and baking, taking photos or drawing? All saints can provide you with opportunities to do all or any of these. 

  • Are you good at talking to others and meeting new people? All Saints would like to expand its team of Parish visitors. Contact Revd Yann Dubreuil


'Friends of All Saints Headley' is a recent constituted charity which aims to build links beyond the congregation, so local residents feel they have 'ownership' of their church. The Church is popular for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals - the beautiful lychgate and porch are a photographer's dream and the churchyard offers plenty of space for contemplation. All Saints wants to encourage the whole community to recognise the value the Church adds to the community and just how much it would be missed if we did not have enough funds. FoASH will play a key role in fundraising going forward. 

for more information on the Friends of All Saints please contact Bob Wilson at:

You  are invited to become a Friend of All Saints Headley.


Individual donations, (from £5 per month) can be made to the Friends Account by Standing Order or by separate single donation.


FoASH lapel badges are now available

for purchase (£5).



Badges or details for becoming a friend are available from Ian Jenkins (

Tree of Life with Cross Badges (2).jpg



There are lots of ways you can help All Saints

Help keep All Saints Church and Churchyard in Headley looking great, by shopping on line!

Are you an internet shopper? I bet you are. Most people these days buy books and white goods via the web as well as booking flights and holidays.

Often we use just a few well know sites like Amazon, John Lewis or Expedia. But did you know that you can raise funds for a good cause while you shop?


When I buy anything on the internet, I go via a portal call Easy Fundraising. And it is easy.  Easy Fundraising links you to all your favourite sites. And when you spend, Easy Fundraising donates a small percentage to your chosen charity.


By using Easy Fundraising you could raise vital funds for your local church. You may not be a regular churchgoer, but I’m sure you have had both happy and sad times when you have needed it. You may even walk through the churchyard, which costs All Saints a lot to keep tidy, and this is just one of many costs.  All Saints really could do with your help.

I hope that you will give Easy Fundraising a go and support Headley All Saints PCC – Bordon.


To get started click on


You will then be asked to select your cause and register. After that you just make a purchase in the usual way and that’s it. You don’t have to do anything else!


You will then be asked to select your cause and register. After that you just make a purchase in the usual way and that’s it. You don’t have to do anything else!


The money you raise will come directly to All Saints. Or, if you prefer, you can download an App to your tablet or phone.


If you would like to know more, please contact:

Bob on: 01428 713113


By supporting All Saints, Headley, financially, we help to provide our church with the resources it needs to promote its mission and ministry. This is not just a matter of maintaining the fabric of the building, but also of enabling All Saints to do what it is there for – to function as a centre of worship for those in the existing congregation and to reach out to welcome those in the wider community. Funding the many activities which give life to the church involves a heavy financial commitment.

The church’s expenditure in 2016 amounted to more than £93,700 which works out at the sobering sum of £1800 per week. Our Treasurer advises that, in the current year, expenditure presently exceeds income, so leading to a reduction in the church’s reserves. Giving by those in the church community plays a vital role in raising the money needed to meet expenditure and keep the church’s finances on a sound footing. Simon Parton, 01428 714371 is  the Christian Stewardship representative.


Standing Order

This is our preferred way for you to give, and the Stewardship Committee’s target is to increase the number of people paying by Standing Order by 15%.

By knowing what is coming in regularly, outgoings can be met more easily, with bills paid and improvements planned with confidence. 

Please set up a Standing Order if you possibly can (if you haven’t already done so). You can set up a Standing Order using online banking, or use a Standing Order form available from the parish office or by clicking here


Bank Account details:

Bank: Nat West

Account Name: Headley All Saints

Sort Code: 60-08-15                                          

Account no: 58553932


If you have an existing Standing Order, we urge you to increase your giving if you can, as the costs of keeping All Saints, Headley, open and running only go upwards.


Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer your donations may be eligible for Gift Aid, whereby for every £1 you give us, we can reclaim 25p from the tax you have paid.  And it doesn’t cost you a penny.  All you have to do is fill in a Gift Aid declaration form, available from the parish office. 


Thank you to all who gift aid their giving. We have received £10,390 tax refund for 2016. For regulars we can provided annual supply of envelopes for the year. If you pay tax, complete the envelope fully so that we can reclaim the tax you have paid via the Gift Aid scheme. 


Where there’s a Will


Bequests in Wills are more frequent in some areas of the country than others. In rural areas the church building is often the last symbol or focus of community around. All Saints Headley certainly is. Many generous gifts have been forthcoming for specific projects since I came and before that, and they are marvellous, but it is often the dull, but necessary expenditure on annual insurance, heating and minor repairs that is needed to keep this physical symbol of parish life going. Leaving money to the church for the PCC to allocate suitably and sensibly can free up other funds to keep the essentials going, and enable us to do things of lasting value. Giving to the charity Friends of All Saints Church Headley Trust (or commonly FoASH) ring-fences the giving for exclusively this. As you make or amend your Will from time to time, please remember both the symbol and the substance of the church in our parishes as witness to resurrection life in Jesus.



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